City Services
We contract for our city services separately from Metro Louisville as follows.
Supplemental Police
LMPD and 911 are your first source of police, fire or medical protection in an emergency, but we also contract with Strathmoor Village Police Department for additional neighborhood police services. SVPD is present at our city activities, and can often be seen patrolling Kingsley watching for traffic violations. They will also do house checks if you go out of town. Just fill out the house check request form a week or two before you plan to leave.
Residents should make note of the following phone numbers:
911: Use this number for all emergencies (immediate threat to safety or health, break-in in progress, etc.)
502-574-7111 (Option 5): Police Dispatch; use this number when you wish to speak with someone regarding an issue that is not urgent (break-in found, door-to-door solicitors, etc.)
Link to Metro Louisville crime maps:
Questions about water service should be directed to Louisville Water Company Customer Assistance at 502-583-6610.
Questions regarding drainage or sewers should be directed to MSD Customer Service at 502-587-0603.
Concerns about a broken or damaged street light should be directed to LG&E Customer Service at 502-589-1444. Note the address closest to the pole before you call.
Trash/Yard Waste/Recycling Pickup
Effective July 1, 2023, trash, recycling and yard waste collection for the City of Kingsley are contracted through Ecotech LLC. If you have any problems with or concerns about any of their services, please call them at 502-935-1130 or access their website at
All services are from the curb and must be out by 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday. When a holiday falls on a Tuesday, collection will be delayed by one day.
Trash Collection
Ecotech will collect the trash hauler/cart they have supplied to your residence if it is placed within 3 feet of the curb, at least 3 feet away from any other cart or obstruction, and with the metal bar and ID number facing the street. They will not pick up trash that is set directly on the ground, or leaned against the hauler. If your trash can fit in the hauler, put it in there. If it doesn’t fit, see the section below on large item pick up.
The cart should stay with the house if you are moving from the city. If your residence does not have an Ecotech cart, please call the commissioner in charge of waste pickup as shown on the Home Page.
Items that will NOT be picked up are:
- Construction debris
- Hazardous materials
- Tires
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Motor oils and filters
- Paints and paint cans
- Medicines
- Refrigeration appliances.
Note: If you want a second wheeler, the homeowner will be responsible for additional fee
Recycling Collection
Each residence should also have a yellow lidded Ecotech cart for recycling, which stays with the home if you move. If you are missing this cart, call the commissioner in charge of waste pickup. Ecotech will not pick up recycling items that are not in the yellow lidded hauler they supplied. Recycling is picked up every other week, the schedule is listed on the Home Page.
ACCEPTABLE recycles include:
- All plastics #1-7 except foam cups and packing materials
- Aluminum products such as cans, foil
- Paper bags
- Cardboard
- Clean paper
- Glass containers
- Scrap metal such as cookie sheets
NOT acceptable recycles include:
- Plastic bags
- Ceramic dishes
- Juice boxes
- Foam cups or packing material
- Window, mirrors or sheet glass
If you want more info to find how and where to recycle these items, visit their website—
Yard Waste Collection
Yard waste is collected all year round by Ecotech. Yard waste includes grass, weeds, leaves, shrubbery, branches (not to exceed 3 inches in diameter or 4 feet in length). Yard waste must be placed in paper bags (up to 10) labeled “Yard Waste”. Loose items should be bundled and not exceed 4 feet in length or 50 pounds. Christmas trees will be picked up as a tree.
Large Item Pickup
Ecotech will pick up 1 bulk item monthly at no charge. Please call them on 502-935-1130 by the previous Friday to let them know they’ll have to arrange a pickup. Again, any appliance containing hazardous materials or refrigerants won’t be picked up. If your item is upholstered, please wrap it in plastic and tape shut the seams. A plastic painting drop cloth is good for this purpose.
You can also drop off up to four large household items for free, year round, at the Waste Reduction Center, 636 Meriwether Ave.
Hazardous Waste Collection
For those items listed above that are unacceptable in our weekly pick up such as electronics, solvents etc, you can dispose of them at Haz Bin 7501 Grade Ln. This is a Metro facility, and you can find out more information at
Special Trash Pickup
If you have items that do not fall into regular trash pickup categories, such as construction debris, you can drop those items off at the Metro facility at 636 Meriwether Ave. You can search on Waste Reduction Center 636 Meriwether Ave to find all sorts of information. There is a fee for dropping off waste
Snow Removal
The City contracts with a landscape/snow removal company to keep our streets clean and safe for driving. If a snow is expected, try to move your car to your driveway to allow the snow plows unimpeded access to our streets.
Tree Board
The City has eliminated the Tree Board as a separate unit. Our commissioner in charge of landscaping can help you with any tree planting or maintenance questions you may have.